I seriously miss having a summer vacation.
Remember what it was like to get out of school on that last day with nothing but hot weeks of freedom ahead of you? No job. No responsibilities. Nothing but free time to be filled with imagination. I had to take a picture for the last day of school in the county Friday afternoon and those kids were running toward the buses to get home and start enjoying their vacation.
I wanted to get on the buses and go with them.
Instead, I'll have to content myself with looking forward to the first big river trip we've taken in a couple of years. There will be six of us going down the Jackson in a couple of weeks. These trips always end up being and painfully sunburned, but it'll be worth it. I hope will follow it up with one of those epic trips down the Cowpasture that always end up with a great deal of yelling, blood loss and near death experiences.
Come to think of it, maybe summer isn't all that different...
WEar sunscreen! For the love of god... they make waterproof stuff now! The sunburns aren't worth it!