Thursday, May 27, 2010

Ah, To Be Young Again

I almost felt young again today.

Bryan and I have been working out pretty hard these past three months or so. It's been good and healthy for both of us. Well, today we decided to skip out on the weights. We did this because Bryan needs to focus on cardio to pass his PT test for the National Guard next week. We also did this because two guys beat us down to the weight room this morning. These guys crank up insanely awful heavy death metal music and then go scream and yell and try to look impressive lifting weight that we thought was light way back in high school.

We went to the YMCA instead and found we had the basketball court to ourselves. Feeling ambitious, we decided to play a little full court, one-on-one basketball. It's been years since I've played full court anything and it felt great. I was handling the ball extremely well and was feeling where to go and how to move on the court so well I probably could have played with my eyes closed. I won the first game easily, 20 to 4. The old instincts were there, a little dusty but still ready to roll and tempered with a little common sense gained through too many pointless injuries. It was beautiful.

And the second game went down hill quickly as we both started feeling injuries, asthma and general out of shapeness. But we played on anyway, as much for the fun of playing the game as for the work out we were getting.

Then the little kids came in and took the half the gym for their playtime. The oldest kid out there couldn't have been more than 3 or 4 and it just became too funny to watch and listen to them play for us to do anything serious after that, so we hit the sauna and the showers.

And to completely change the subject, Devan and I are launching a new project, this one a novel geared specifically toward young adults. The Sixth Sword will hit the shelves when he gets back from Iraq since we're pretty well near the point that I need him on the same side of the world to put all the final details down on paper. So we're starting something new.

It's been great fun so far and I haven't really started writing it yet. Devan's done a great deal of rough writing and laying it out and the story has great potential. And since we're not attempting to write at a higher level, it's a lot of fun to play and work with. I'll keep you updated as progress continues.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, I renewed my YMCA membership and would LOVE to work out together some time this weekend! I'm just not super comfy on the free weights (or hte machines for that matter). The only place I really know how to push myself is in the pool. I'd love some tips and pointers!

    I'm doing a spin class this morning - wish me luck!
