Yes, I can celebrate tonight. The Crownless King made it through the first round of the Amazon Breakthrough Novel of the Year contest. While I don't know the exact number of entries in the young adult category, I know that it was open to 5,000 entries and that the first round cut that number down to 1,000.
The next stage of the competition is the reading of the excerpt, which is up to the first 5,000 words of the manuscript. That's actually not as long as it sounds, but I'm pretty proud of my excerpt. I think it's strong enough to contend, but I don't know what I'll be up against, so we'll just have to see how it goes.
I didn't find out that I made it until just a few minutes ago. I spent the day watching for it and the list was just released after 8 p.m. eastern time, as near as I can tell. Talk about a really, really long day. Not knowing was pretty aggravating. I could have handled had I not made the cut...I just wanted to know.
So needless to say I really didn't feel like writing much of anything today. I spent the time polishing off a book I was reading and processing photos. I put a dent in them, but I still have a ways to go. That's what tomorrow's for. Tonight I'm going to enjoy having made it this far and I hope that I can do the same again in a month.
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